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March 6, 2004 - Mucky Duck - Houston, TX


Age Like Wine
Long Year
Beer Run
All My Life
Horseshoe Lake
[Skip story]
Play a Train Song
Statistician's Blues
D.B. Cooper
Once He Finds Us
Moondawg's Tavern
Waco Moon > Old Chunk of Coal [Billy Joe Shaver]
Iron Mike's Main Man's Last Request
Can't Complain
Vinyl Records
Rose City Blues
Keep Off the Grass
[45 Miles story]
45 Miles
Easy Money
Somebody's Coming
Good News Blues
Alright Guy
Sideshow Blues

Fish and Whistle [John Prine]
Maureen Maureen [John Prine]
Will the Circle Be Unbroken


Review by Matt Henke:

Great show at the Mucky Duck last night. Todd seemed to be in good spirits. There were several guys there that he played rugby with at Southwest Texas that kept yelling out REALLY old songs which Todd usually jokingly responded to with some variation of "Can you please have that man kicked out". He finally said that it had been a long time and he didn't remember most of the songs they were asking for, but that he did remember one of his first that he wrote while he was bussing tables at Peppers on the Falls in San Marcos called "Bus Cart Stew". He didn't play it though.