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June 18, 2005 - Mississippi Nights - St. Louis, MO


Can’t Complain
All My Life
[Judge Judy manager story]
[K.K. Rider story]
Don’t It Make You Want to Dance [Rusty Weir]
Iron Mike’s Main Man’s Last Request
Horseshoe Lake
[D.B. Cooper story]
D.B. Cooper
Rose City Blues
[Tillamook County story]
Tillamook County Jail
Easy Money
Doublewide Blues
Ballad of the Kingsmen > It's Your Thing [Isley Brothers]
Tension > Three Little Birds [Bob Marley]
[Inner peace seminar story]
Sideshow Blues
Play a Train Song
Enjoy Yourself

Age Like Wine
Heart of Gold [Neil Young]

What Made Milwaukee Famous [Glenn Sutton]


Todd came out right at 10:30 – jacket, shoes, skinny tie (he commented that he found the tie on the bus and jokingly suggested that it may have been Eddie Money’s old tour bus.) After one song, he kicked off the shoes and after another song or two lost the jacket and tie as well. The Judge Judy story that he told was different than the usual one – this was a quick one about how his manager recently got a call from Judge Judy’s manager. After Tension, Todd told a story about going to some sort of seminar hosted by some “guru.” Without trying to retell the whole story, it ended with a clear statement: “It’s easiest to be peaceful when I’m comfortable.” Twice during the show, Todd had to take a quick timeout to tune his guitar. The second time, he made a quiet comment that the tuning was actually a song he wrote for the Grateful Dead called “Tune In.”