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August 11, 2007 -
John Henry's -
Eugene, OR
The Last Laugh
Thin Wild Mercury
Tillamook County Jail
D.B. Cooper
Beer Run
Can't Complain
Vinyl Records
Play a Train Song
I Spoke as a Child
Horseshoe Lake
[All My Life story]
All My Life
Ballad of the Kingsmen
> You Sexy Thing [Hot Chocolate]
America's Favorite Pastime
[Football/mushrooms story]
Conservative Christian...
Statistician's Blues
Alright Guy
Good Fortune
Moondawg's Tavern
LENGTH: 82:30
TAPER: Mark Perry
On Tension:
- "In America we really like our bad guys dead. Preferably after some kind of kick ass car chase or something."
- "People still dig drugs. Shit I'm staying at that hotel right not far from here. Don't tell me people don't still like drugs."
- "Gay people getting married. That's what scares people that don't have shit all else to be scared of these days."
On Vinyl Records:
- "I've got piles and piles and piles of Helen Reddy."
On Ballad of the Kingsmen:
- "He's a skinny public high school kid from Ohio."
- "Now he gets a lot of chicks. They're weird chicks. But they are verifiably chicks."
- "It ain't gonna be cause of the words to some rap song."
On Alright Guy:
- "I know I'm dirty and I know I smoke a lot of dope. It ain't like I went on Saturday Night Live and tore up a picture of the pope. I know I get wild. I know I showed up a little drunk."